In the workshop I propose, we will travel through the different Catalan-speaking territories (Catalonia, Valencian Country and the Balearic Islands). As in each edition I participated, we will work on some improvised song genres and we will play traditional tunes as rituals as linked to dance.
All the material is adapted to the diatonic accordion, so that we can deepen in the most outstanding aspects of its interpretation and expressiveness.
All about Cati Plana
Cati Plana learned to play the diatonic accordion with the elders of the Catalan Pyrenees who even were in assets during the decade of the 80. Later she has perfected her style and has complemented her formation with Ethnomusicology’s studies.
She arranges her educational activity in the High school of Music of Catalonia and in other four schools specialized in traditional music (Escola Folk del Pirineu, Aula de Música Tradicional de Tortosa, Tallers al Centre Artesà Tradicionàrius and Aula de Sons de Reus), with the investigation and the artistic activity with El Pont d'Arcalís, Marsupialis, Adolfo Osta, La Viu-viu, Duet Pau Puig and Cati Plana and Heura Gaya.